Marketing Resources

Marketing Points FAQ

What is marketing

Simply put, marketing is creating and exchanging value with others. That value could be you bringing in a new client to HHM or sharing with your friends about the great new series you found on Netflix. While one example helps you more professionally, you market everyday to multiple people a day!

Who can be a good marketer?

Everyone at the firm, from administrative positions to the partner level, has the opportunity to serve as brand ambassadors for HHM. Every employee can embark on an exciting marketing journey by making an impact in our community and championing HHM with help and resources available every step of the way.

By making marketing and community involvement a priority, you can actively put your name along with HHM out there to establish trust. So when someone needs the firm’s services or yours, they know who to call.

How do I get started?

HHM Marketing Rewards is designed to give you a quarterly marketing playbook to help you generate quality ideas worthy of your time. The focus is not on obtaining clients, but rather, developing the skills that will serve you well in the long term.

What's the reward?

In addition to the personal sense of accomplishment, when you hit your quarterly goal, you’ll earn a gift certificate to a local restaurant, retail store, or Amazon. At the end of the year, each HHM employee who met his or her goal each quarter will be rewarded with a weekend trip for two.

What are the rules?

Each marketing activity will be rewarded with a marketing point or points, depending on what the activity is. Suggested activities to earn points can be found at the end of this document.

When you review the list, if you see that you are already doing several of these activities, challenge yourself to try new things. Or, if you completed something that you feel deserves some marketing points but you don’t see it on the list, let the Marketing team know.

Points will be calculated and submitted based on a standard quarter schedule (i.e.,January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December). A reminder to submit points will be sent out via email the last day of the month of the quarter. Points must be submitted by using the supplied Excel spreadsheet as an email attachment.

Points will not be accepted in any other format (i.e. copy of an email). Points are due on the following dates representing your activities for the previous quarter: January 15, April30, July 15, and October 15.

How many quarterly points do I need for the rewards?

See quarterly point requirements by level below:

  • ADMIN/IT - 10 points
  • ACCOUNTANTS/STAFF - 20 points
  • PARTNERS - 40 points
  • BOOKKEEPING - 12 points
  • WEALTH - 12 points
Why should I participate?

For the Firm and You! HHM encourages and prioritizes our staff to build his or her marketing skillset and be involved in the community.

  • Career Development – Great leaders are great marketers. Think and act like a leader.
  • Nothing sells professional services like the professional who provides the service. You know your stuff – go show it!
  • Grow your Business Development Skills
  • Make friends and lifelong connections in various industries – you never know who’ll you might connect with
  • Positive Impact on Your Community
  • Build Referral Relationships
  • Improve Client Relationships
  • Professional Development
  • Prizes, Luncheons and Rewards
Who does board service, share content on social media or writing a note help me market?

Marketing means growing your network. You’ve got to meet new people, establish relationships, and cultivate those relationships over time. Serving on a board, going to community functions the firm sponsors, volunteering, and more allow you to meet people throughout our community who may need your services one day.

Marketing is about establishing trust. People not only want to do business with people they know, but also trust. Trust is centered around reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. From sharing accurate and helpful business advice on your LinkedIn page to writing an article HHM shares with our email list, you are establishing trust even if you don’t know with who.

Marketing should be personal. While you may not think of marketing as a personable activity, the best marketing happens at the one-to-one level. Whether through a handwritten note or regular coffee outings, make people feel special. As American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

How do I know if someone is looking for our services?

Our clients do not buy our services on our time schedule. They buy them on theirs. That is why it is so important to build and maintain those relationships. Ideally, through your marketing efforts, you will catch prospective and current clients when they are ready to engage HHM for services or expand what they currently engage the firm for.

Do I market to current clients?

First, we need to make sure we are taking care of our current clients. It’s much easier to maintain a client than get a new one. Make sure you’re prioritizing your current clients through personal outreach, finding additional ways to serve them, and overall making them feel valued as a client.
But our current clients are also our best source for new clients. A positive word-of-mouth recommendation from an established client to a prospective client goes a very long way.If you have a good relationship with a client, ask him or her to introduce you to other potential clients. Whether through email, a phone call, or at an in-person event like a Chamber function or industry conference, you can propose several ways for a current client to introduce you to others.
By engaging with our current clients, you also have the opportunity to expand upon the services the firm currently provides a client which is known as cross-selling or up-selling. Maybe we have a current tax client who has found themselves in need of business valuation services. This is a perfect opportunity to cross-sell additional firm services.Bottom line - relationship management is a skill that CAN be learned. It takes practice and persistence.

How do I cross-sell or provide more value to a client?

First priority is to stay in touch with clients and make them feel appreciated. Call them; take them to breakfast or lunch; visit them; invite them to a social gathering; email them. And when you have those interactions with clients, talk to them about how business is going. Use the following to help guide your conversations:

  • Pinpoint their priorities – ask clients what they want for their businesses and see if there are ways you can help. Maybe this is offering additional services you or your team could provide? Maybe this is offering other firm services like valuation or litigation support or from an affiliate company like Wealth or Bookkeeping Solutions (cross-selling)?
  • Discover client pain points – ask clients what things are holding them back in their business goals and offer ideas then or later that could ease these pain points. This isa great opportunity to cross-sell other services within the firm. If a client needs better bookkeeping support, introduce them to someone at HHM Bookkeeping Solutions.
  • Find a way to help them win – when our clients win, we also win. Be a creative problem solver and help clients find ways to win. Note, these suggestions might not be something that HHM provides, but if you provide a referral or recommendation that helps a client, they will remember that.
  • Improve their bottom line – at the end of the day, most clients strive to run a business where they can maximize their return. If you see a way for a client to improve this, share it with them.
What services can HHM, Wealth, and Bookkeeping Solutions provide and which industry niches do we serve?

HHM, Wealth and Bookkeeping Solutions have spent a significant amount of time developing specialized knowledge in niche areas. We can offer levels of expertise in the areas below. For clients to take advantage of this specialized knowledge, we must offer them the services.

  • Accounting and assurance
  • Accounting software services
  • Business Valuation
  • Emerging Business & Startup Services
  • Estate Planning
  • Fraud Investigative Services
  • Healthcare Advisory Services
  • Internation Tax
  • Litigation Support
  • Management Advisory
  • Peer Reviews
  • Personal Financial Planning
  • SALT (State and Local Tax)
  • TaxCaddy
  • Tax Planning
  • Construction
  • Dealerships
  • Electric Service Distributors
  • Employee Benefits Plans
  • Governmental
  • Hospitality & Restaurants
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing & Disbribution
  • Not-For-Profit
  • Real Estate
  • Financial Planning & Consulting
  • Investment Management
  • Everplans
  • Transportation Planning & Business Succession
  • Estate & Family Planning
  • Tax Minimization Strategies
  • Retirement Plan/401k Consulting
  • Nonprofit Portfolio Management
  • Insurance Services
  • SmartVestor
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Services
  • Indirect Tax Reporting
  • Internal Training & Development
  • Special Projects (i.e. automated bill pay & invoicing)
What About Referrals?

Historically, referral sources have been responsible for 70% of the firm’s new business. Developing good referral sources is one of the most important things you can do for your career. Once you have the relationship, make sure you continue to cultivate the relationship and you give them referrals as well.

I’ve Reviewed the Program, but I still Need Help Getting Started.What Do I Do?

You do not need to go on this marketing journey alone! You have a team of people to help. First, attend internal marketing luncheons and programs. Hint: you get marketing rewards points for them and some outside series can also classify for CPE.
The Marketing Team is here to help one on one as well. Need to brainstorm a creative gift idea to send to a prospect? Need help crafting the right message for a follow up meeting card? Need an idea for an article to write? Want to be a better content creator on LinkedIn or Twitter? The marketing team is here to assist, but you’ve got to ask.
Personal marketing plans are also available to any team member that would like more assistance. Using the Marketing Rewards Program as a guide, the marketing team will help you craft a plan to not only maximize the program but also help you grow your personal and professional brand. Interested? Email any member of the marketing team, and we’ll get you started on a personal marketing plan.
HHM is stacked with seasoned professionals who know how to market. Ask the individuals you see doing a great job with marketing how he or she does it.

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