HR | Payroll | Benefits

We’ve pulled together some basics to help you get started

If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to

Time Tracking & Attendance

For more information regarding time tracking & attendance you can find it in the Employee Handbook.

  • Our normal office hours are 8 AM - 5 PM Mondays through Fridays with core attendance between 9 AM - 4 PM. If an alternative schedule is required on a temporary or permanent basis, please contact your department head for approval.
  • The previous day's time must be turned in AND posted by 10 AM EST daily to ensure accuracy. Timesheets are recorded electronically through CCH Axcess.
  • PTO requests should be submitted through the request form on your dashboard. Please ensure that it is submitted and approved before adding to your personal calendar of availability.
HHM Benefits

This guide is designed to provide a general overview of your benefits at HHM. It is not a contract or an official interpretation of the benefit plans. For more detailed information, please refer to your summary plan descriptions or the legal plan documents. View all HHM Benefits >

  • Should any questions or conflicts arise, the plan documents will be the final authority in determining your benefits.
  • HHM reserves the right to modify or discontinue the plans at any time. This document was prepared exclusively for full-time employees of HHM.
  • Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions regarding your benefits plan.
Payroll, Reimbursements, & Personal Information

For more information on payroll, reimbursements, or personal information please refer to the Employee Handbook.

  • Payroll checks will be distributed to employees by direct deposit of funds to an employee's designated account of choice. Overtime hours for non-exempt employees will be calculated as time and a half of base pay.
  • In the event of an issue where direct deposit funds are either not received or deposited into an incorrect account, it is the employee's responsibility to notify the payroll department immediately so that the error can be corrected.
  • If you need to update your direct deposit information please fill out this form and send to hr.
  • All reimbursable expenses should be submitted on BeanWorks. If you do not have a Beanworks account, please reach out to accounts payable. In the event you need to change the direct deposit for reimbursements - fill out this form (different from the payroll form) and send to accounts payable
  • HHM provides all employees with a self-service employee portal called Employee Navigator. This allows you to perform the following activities online:
    If you have not received your login information from HR or are having trouble signing in please contact hr.
  • Review and change personal information (address, phone number, office info, emergency contacts)
  • Submit licensing and certification information
  • View current & previous salary, organization, & status
  • Manage benefits selections (view and enroll during open enrollment)
  • View company directory
  • Update skills, ask questions or make suggestions