HR | Payroll | Benefits



Whether you have just joined HHM or have worked at HHM for a while, we are confident that you will find the firm to be a dynamic and rewarding place in which to work. We look forward to a productive and successful association. We consider the employees of HHM to be one of our most valuable resources. This handbook has been written to serve as the guide for the employer/employee relationship.


There are several things to keep in mind about this handbook. First, it contains only general information and guidelines. It is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. For that reason, if you have any questions concerning eligibility for a particular benefit or the applicability of a policy or practice to you, you should address your specific questions to your Team Captain. Neither this handbook nor any other HHM document confers any contractual right, neither expressed nor implied, to remain in HHM's employ. Nor does it guarantee any fixed terms and/or conditions of your employment. Your employment is not for any specific time and may be terminated at will with or without cause and without prior notice by HHM, or you may resign for any reason at any time. No Team Captain or other representative of HHM (except the Managing Member) has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the above.

The procedures, practices, policies, and benefits described here may be modified or discontinued from time to time. We will try to inform you of any changes as they occur. This handbook and the information herein should be treated as confidential. No portion of this handbook should be disclosed to others, except HHM employees and others affiliated with HHM whose knowledge of the information is required in the normal course of business.

This handbook supersedes and replaces any former or existing HHM employee handbooks, manuals, and policy statements.

About HHM
Henderson Hutcherson & McCullough was founded in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1963, became a partnership on August 1, 1981, and a professional limited liability company in 1995. Since 1963, Henderson Hutcherson & McCullough, PLLC (HHM) has grown to become one of the largest local CPA firms in the Chattanooga area. Our growth has been planned carefully and is expected to continue at a controlled rate.

HHM is organized and operated as a professional limited liability company. Decisions are at the discretion of. the existing Members. The Members manage HHM as a group. New Members are admitted when:

• HHM growth requires additional supervision and responsibility to handle more and larger engagements.
• An employee demonstrates the necessary technical competence, personal and financial philosophies, personality traits, and professional and administrative abilities to be considered a Member.
Our Core Values
Of course. Our pricing scales with your company. Chat to our friendly team to find a solution that works for you.
  • We require absolute integrity and professionalism in all that we do
  • We will show respect to our coworkers at all times adhering to “The Golden Rule”
  • We will maintain a fun work environment
  • We will consider quality of life a top priority in all that we do
  • We will be proactive in providing services to our clients
  • We will invest, not waste, treating HHM’s resources as our own while equipping our coworkers with the latest technology with which to provide services to our clients
  • We will constantly strive for excellence, leaving nothing to chance. We will do our utmost to create the “Wow” factor
  • We will create a work place with opportunities that allow an individual to advance to the level they desire
  • We will support our community and encourage individual involvement
HHM Mission Statement
To listen, understand and exceed our clients’ expectations by providing the highest quality accounting, tax, and consulting services, and, in doing so, become their most trusted business advisor.
Our Objectives & How We Achieve Them
Our first objective is to be the best CPA firm in the areas we serve by helping our clients obtain maximum profits. We achieve this objective by dedicating ourselves to these four principles:

Quality Service. We hire only competent people, train them fully, evaluate them regularly, offer competitive compensation, and encourage continued training and specialization. We strive to develop each employee's professional abilities to the maximum. We believe that quality is a professional obligation, not an option.

Timely Service. To be of highest quality, our service must meet deadlines without sacrificing quality. We must be accessible to our clients and respond to their needs without hesitation or delay.

Growth. We plan to grow both in size and in the range of services we offer. To accomplish this, we seek clients who are growing. We will continue to become skilled in new areas, to recommend additional services for existing clients that may be necessary, and to create new services for our firm.

Personal Fulfillment. We hire people who are personally compatible with HHM. We look for employees who are self-starters. We encourage freedom of expression, so long as it does not infringe on other employees' rights. We encourage personal growth.
HHM employment foundation
It should be clearly understood that our relationship should be one of mutual benefit. However, it can be terminated at any time and for any reason at the will of either the employee or HHM. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this handbook, the application for employment, or any other document may be considered as a contract of employment. The employment of any employee may be terminated, at any time at the will of HHM, for any reason.
Anti-Harassment Policy
Each of us – Officers, Managers, Team Captains and Employees – are responsible for creating an atmosphere free from harassing behavior and inappropriate conduct, whether of a sexual nature or otherwise.Each of us is also responsible for respecting the rights of co-workers. Therefore, it is the policy at HHM that no applicant or employee be subjected to harassment, intimidation, ridicule, or insult because of the applicant’s or employee’s race, color, creed, religion, sex/gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, military status, genetic history, or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all applicants and employees, whether the offending conduct is that of a fellow employee, a Team Captain or Manager, or third party such as a customer, client, vendor, or consultant.

If you believe that you or another employee has been subjected to harassment or other inappropriate conduct, it is your responsibility to bring the matter directly to the immediate attention of your TeamCaptain. Please do not assume that HHM is aware of the situation. In the event you do not feel that you can discuss the matter with your Team Captain, if your Team Captain is part of your complaint, or if you are not satisfied with the way your Team Captain has responded to your complaint, please contact the Managing Member or any other member of management with whom you feel comfortable discussing the situation.

Not only does HHM endeavor to have a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and inappropriate conduct, we also strive to have a workplace free from retaliation for utilizing the procedures set forth in this policy or for otherwise making a complaint. Accordingly, there will be no retaliation against anyone who, in good faith and in a reasonable and business-like manner, submits a complaint concerning sexual harassment, discrimination, or other inappropriate conduct, or participates in an investigation relating to such a complaint. If you feel that you have been retaliated against for submitting a complaint or participating in an investigation, please bring this to the immediate attention of your Team Captain or the Managing Member. This prohibition not only includes direct retaliation, but also indirect acts such as shunning, isolation, and “cold shoulder” treatment. Improper interference with the ability of HHM employees to perform their expected job duties is not tolerated.

Conduct prohibited by these policies is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside the workplace, such as during business trips, business meetings, and business-related social events.
Workplace Violence
It is the policy of HHM to promote and maintain a safe working environment for all employees, including a work environment that is free from violence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior. Acts or threats of physical violence, physical or psychological intimidation, harassment, coercion, or other conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive, or threatening working environment will not be tolerated by HHM.

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as appropriate legal action, which may include any civil and/or criminal claims necessary to maintain a safe working environment.
Equal Employment Opportunity
We wish to reaffirm our policy of providing equal opportunity in all areas of employment practices. HHM maintains a policy of nondiscrimination with employees and applicants and continues to be successful when people are treated fairly, allowed to advance, and to achieve their full potential. Consistent with this policy, employment practices will not be influenced or affected by an applicant’s or employee’s race, color, creed, religion, sex/gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, military status, genetic history, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Rules of Conduct/Progressive Discipline
The purpose of this policy is to state our position on administering equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace. The best disciplinary measure is one that does not have to been forced and comes from good leadership and fair supervision at all employment levels. HHM’s best interests lie in ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future.

While we will endeavor to use the progressive discipline system, there are certain types of employee problems that are serious enough to justify termination of employment without going through the progressive discipline steps described above. The type of disciplinary action taken for any rule violation is in the sole discretion of management and may depend on the nature and circumstances of the infraction and the employee’s prior record and length of service.

By using progressive discipline, we hope that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and HHM.
Workplace Policy
HHM recognizes that employees perform best when they are left free to perform their job without interruption.However, HHM has an interest in monitoring employees’ productivity and other business related activities, including whether the employee is engaging in misconduct connected with work. As such, no employee should have any expectation of privacy while using HHM provided equipment or while on HHM property.

The telephones, computers, electronic mail, and other business equipment provided by HHM are for business use. Personal use of this equipment is a cost to HHM, in both actual expense and loss of work time, and as such any personal use should be limited. We maintain a policy of randomly monitoring employee electronic mail, and other business communications to prevent abuse of HHM property. Employee work and correspondence are subject to review, whether it is stored electronically, on paper, or in any other form.

Additionally, all business equipment, including computers, desks, and lockers belonging to HHM are subject to search or investigation, whether locked or unlocked. HHM reserves the right to suspend network access at any time, without notice, for technical reasons, possible policy violations, security, or other concerns.

Lastly, if HHM has a suspicion that wrongdoing or criminal activity is occurring or an employee is engaging in an activity which is adverse to HHM’s interest, we will take appropriate action to monitor and/or search the workplace to uncover the activity.
attendance & time away from work

Our normal office hours are from 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM (Monday through Thursday) and from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM on Friday. Support team members work from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, with the exception of the phone attendant. From time to time, we may require your cooperation in working Saturdays, nights, or weekends. In such event, please accept the additional responsibility gracefully. Flexible work schedules may be established from time to time by HHM's management but may be suspended to meet client needs. The salaried or exempt Team Members are expected to work a minimum of 8 hours daily, excluding 1 hour for lunch.

When working out of town, employees are expected to work at the client’s place of business from at least 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. Our clients are paying our employees’ travel expenses and expect/are entitled to a full day’s work.

During tax season (from mid-January through April 15), our regular office hours are from 7:30 AM until 5:30 PM on Monday-Thursday; 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM on Friday; and 8:00 AM until 12:00 noon on Saturday. Salaried or exempt Team Members are expected to work a minimum of fifty (50) hours per week during this period.

Flex Time
Flexible work schedules (Flex time) allow employees to arrive as early as 7:00 AM so that they may leave at 4:00 PM. Alternatively, an employee may arrive as late as 9:00 AM. but will be required to work until 6:00 PM.

Although we want hours to be somewhat flexible, we ask that you arrive no later than 9 A.M. and leave no earlier than 4 P.M. The support staff will work from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Each person should account for a minimum 8 hours daily, excluding 1 hour for lunch, except as otherwise provided for by anEmployee’s Team Captain.

For non-tax season, employees may request to accumulate hours over the required 8-hour day to apply to a day or part of a day off.

Speak with your supervisor regarding Flex Time Requests.

Upon prior approval, salaried employees work the additional scheduled hours within a pay period and take the requested day off within the pay period. Hourly employees work the additional hours within the workweek and take the requested day off within the work week.

Flex time is not intended to compensate for routine extra hours required for a specific job or to allow employees to “bank” time to use at a future date. Flex time is limited to one day per week and two days per pay period.Lunch hour(s) cannot be accumulated to count toward flex time. Approval of a flex time request is at the discretion of the Team Captain or Managing Member.

Where flex time applies: I submit a request to my Team Captain and with approval work 40 hours Monday through Thursday. I take Friday off.

Where flex time does not apply: I worked over 2 hours driving to a client’s office out of town. I want to takeoff 2 hours on Friday.

Flex time cannot be accumulated or used during tax season, defined as mid-January to April 15th.
To schedule vacation time, employees should submit a completed leave form to your Team Captain at least two weeks before the requested leave. Employees must ensure that they have enough accrued leave available to cover the dates requested. Requests will be approved based on a number of factors, including department operating and staffing requirements. The Team Captain should return the leave request to the employee within three (3) business days of the date it is submitted indicating that the request has been approved or denied. If the request for vacation leave is denied, the Team Captain should provide an appropriate reason on the form returned to the employee.

Vacation will be paid at the employee’s base rate at the time the leave is taken. Vacation pay is not included in overtime calculation and does not include any special forms of compensation such as incentives, commissions, bonuses or shift differentials. If a holiday falls during the employee’s vacation, the day will be charged to holiday pay rather than to vacation pay.

Leave taken beyond an employee’s available vacation balance may be unpaid unless otherwise required under state or federal law.

If employment is terminated, accrued and unused vacation leave earned through the last day of active employment will be paid at the employee’s base rate of pay at termination. In the event of the employee’s death, earned and unused vacation time will be paid to the employee’s estate or designated beneficiary.
Personal (sick) Time: Policy & Allowance
  • HHM also provides employees with the benefit of earning personal time off (PTO). The intent of personal time off is primarily for “unscheduled time off” such as sick time, doctors’ appointments ,funeral leave, etc. which applies for both the employee or in the situation of an immediate family member; however, personal time can be used for vacation, when approved by your Team Captain in writing.
  • Employees working more than 30 hours per week will be eligible to earn personal time off.
  • No personal time can be taken until the employee has worked ninety (90) days.
  • Personal time is not to be taken before it is earned.
  • Compensation will not be paid in lieu of taking personal time.
  • Unused vacation time will be converted and rolled forward as PTO not to exceed the maximum allowable bank of PTO.
  • HHM understands that not all employees experience equally the same need to use their personal time each year, therefore employees will be allowed to roll forward a maximum of 30 PTO days to bank for future use.
  • If personal time is taken and employment terminates before the days are earned, excess days will be deducted from the final payroll check. However, if employment terminates and there are excess personal days remaining (unused personal time), this time is forfeited and the employee will not receive compensation for this time.
  • Personal time is earned ratably over the course of the year as follows:
  • For each year, five days of personal time, or 40 hours for full-time employees, per year is earned ratably over a 12-month period (i.e., one day is earned approximately every 72 days) for all employees.
  • See “Part-Time Employees” for pro-rated calculation of allowances.
Temporary or Intern Employees
HHM Temporary or Intern Employees are not eligible for vacation, PTO, holiday pay, or benefits.
Paid Holidays
HHM observes the following nine paid holidays each year:

New Year's Day
The first business day following April 15th
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
The Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

Holiday pay is at an employee’s base pay rate. Should a holiday fall on a weekend, the holiday will be observed on the work day closest to the holiday. If a two-day holiday falls on a Saturday/Sunday, HHM will be closed on Friday and Monday; if it falls on a Friday/Saturday, HHM will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Time off may be granted to employees who desire to observe a religious holiday that is not recognized by HHM.

Should the occasion arise that you are expected to work on one of these days, please accept it gracefully.
Vacation Time: Policy & Allowance
  • Employees working more than 30 hours per week will be eligible to earn vacation time off.
  • No vacation can be taken until the employee has worked ninety (90) days.
  • Vacation time should not be taken before it is earned without your Team Captain’s approval. New employees will be entitled to schedule earned vacation at any time, but must adhere to the general principle that vacation time must be earned before taken.
  • Compensation will not be paid in lieu of taking vacation time.
  • Vacation time not utilized will be converted to PTO to be carried forward to the following year.
  • Vacation should not be taken in less than one-day increments without the Team Captain’s approval.
  • Vacations should be requested at least two weeks in advance and earlier, if possible.
  • Vacations should be scheduled around your workload and should not be scheduled from mid-January through mid-April.
  • You are to submit a written vacation request to the Team Captain under whom you generally work. Whenever possible, your request will be approved. However, HHM's overall work load (i.e.,inventory observations, statutory due dates, and other personnel's time off) will be considered. Any approved requests should then be routed to the Front Desk to be recorded on HHM’s VacationCalendar.
  • If vacation is taken and employment terminates before the days are earned, excess days will be deducted from the final payroll check. In the same manner, if there is any unused vacation that has been earned thru the date of termination, those excess days will be paid to the employee on their final pay check.
  • Managers are automatically entitled to two additional days of vacation.
  • Vacation time is earned ratably over the course of the year as follows:
  • For the first three (3) years of service, 15 days of vacation time, or 120 hours for full-time employees, per year is earned ratably over a 12-month period (i.e., one day of vacation is earned approximately every 24 days) for all employees.
  • Once the employee reaches their three-year anniversary date (the completion of a full three years of employment), 17.5 days of vacation time, or 140 hours for full-time employees, is earned ratably over a 12 month period, beginning on their anniversary date through the end of the year.
  • Once the employee reaches their five-year anniversary date (the completion of a full five years of employment), 20 days of vacation time, or 160 hours for full-time employees, is earned ratably over a 12 month period, beginning on their anniversary date through the end of the year.
Part-Time Employees
  • Employees working less than 40 hours but more than 30 hours per week are eligible for paid time off.
  • Vacation, personal, and holiday allowances for part-time employees will be pro-rated based on projected number of hours to be worked by the part-time employee divided by number of hours worked for a normal full-time employee.
  • Vacation days will be earned ratably, as per the “Vacation Time: Policy & Allowances,” but hours will be pro-rated.
  • Personal time will be earned ratably, as per the “Personal (Sick) Time: Policy & Allowances,” but hours will be pro-rated.
  • Part-time employees will receive the same paid holidays; however the daily allowance of hours will be pro-rated. The holiday allowance per day will be 6.4 hours per day, versus a full-time employee who will receive 8 hours per day.
  • After the first year of the part-time employee’s employment, the previous year’s actual hours worked, instead of projected, will be used to calculate the current year’s allowances.
Bad Weather Policy
Salaried or exempt employees who are unable to get to work because of bad weather have the option of making the time up within seven (7) days or utilizing a Personal Time Off (PTO) day. You must account for 50 hours each week during tax season (mid-January to April 15). Any shortage will be charged to your vacation time.

If we have notice of bad weather, you may take work home and make up time working from home. However, it will be of no benefit to HHM if you take work home with an immediate due date and you have it at home when the due date arrives.
Salary & work expectations
Team Members that are salaried are paid semi-monthly with distributions on the fifteenth (15th) and last day of the month. Team Members that are hourly employees are paid bi-weekly and distributions are made on the Wednesday following the end of the two-week pay period (the Saturday prior). All employees are paid four work days (excluding Saturday and Sundays) in arrears.

Any questions regarding computation of salaries should be discussed with payroll and/or your Team Captain.

Payroll checks will be distributed to employees by direct deposit of funds to either a savings and/or checking account at the financial institution(s) of their choice, unless other arrangements are made with the payroll department.

Overtime hours for non-exempt employees will be calculated with regular hours worked in the prior pay period.

If the normal payday falls on a federally recognized holiday or weekend, paychecks will be distributed one work day before the aforementioned schedule.

In the event of an issue where direct deposit funds are either not received or deposited into an incorrect account, it is the employee’s responsibility to notify the payroll department immediately so that the error can be corrected.

If an employee's marital status changes or the number of exemptions previously claimed increases or decreases, a new Form W-4 must be submitted to the payroll department. Salary arrangements with each employee are considered on an individual basis and, therefore, considered confidential. Please keep it as such.
Chargeable Hours
Chargeable time is time that is spent providing services to clients. Outside of vacation and continuing professional education, all personnel are expected to hold non-chargeable time to a minimum.

In general, a person with potential to become a Member of HHM is one who is thinking ahead, looking ahead, planning ahead and developing themselves into the type of person the public expects from an accounting firm, and most will recognize it is often difficult to do this in a rigid 40-hour week during non-tax season. It must be borne in mind that chargeable time is a key factor in our revenue.

Non-Chargeable Time - Non-chargeable time includes time spent on various types of work not directly related to a particular engagement and covers unassigned time. You are expected to make constructive use of such time, particularly for your professional education and development. Non-chargeable time also includes vacations, holidays, illness, and summer military training.
Use of Work Time
The workday is dedicated to our business and our clients, and HHM expects all employees to be productive during their scheduled work hours.

In our profession, trained talent must be applied through an efficient use of time. Our charges to clients require the maintenance of accurate time records by each and every person at HHM. Moreover, in a professional firm, the task to perform goes far beyond those that can be measured in terms of work for specific clients. We must also plan and budget for the maintenance and management of our entire operation, professional development, practice furtherance, Team Members’ vacations and holidays, illness and other emergencies, and the time required by such public duties as military service.

The proper control of time will always rest upon the full cooperation of every person in HHM. The "total time worked and off" as reported on time reports should be an accounting for not less than 40 hours per week (50hours per week during tax season).

Occasionally employees may feel they should report a few hours less than they actually worked. Perhaps they think this will make a better impression, or maybe the client will be reluctant to pay for the full time required by an engagement. This practice is undesirable, primarily because the amount of time actually required to do a job is not accurately reflected, and thus our estimates for the following year would be distorted.You should report your actual time faithfully, including weekends; and, of course, you should never suggest that anyone working with you report anything other than his/her actual time.

To the extent possible, employees should not engage in non-work related activities, including recreational use of the Internet, on HHM time. Misuse or misreporting of HHM or client time by employees may result in discipline, up to and including termination.
Daily Time & Expense Reports
It is absolutely essential for the maintenance of our records and for payroll submission that all time be entered on the computer and expense reports turned in promptly. The previous day’s time must be turned in (released)by 10:00 A.M. daily, no exceptions. Non-compliance with timely reporting may result in discipline and/or termination. Report your expenses by 10:00 A.M. on the last day of the month to be reimbursed on the 10th of the following month. When working out of the office or out of town, expense information can be reported by fax or electronic mail; however, receipts and backup documentation should be given to bookkeeping at earliest convenience.

Compliance with HHM policy will be considered during annual review.

Our time unit is one-hundredth of an hour (two decimal places) and multiples thereof. Work should be charged on time reports to the nearest hundredth of an hour.
employee travel & reimbursements
Reimbursable Expenses: Policy & Procedures
Reimbursable expenses at HHM primarily fall under two (2) categories:

1. Travel - Travel, Lodging, Meals, etc.
2. Education - CPE, Classes, Exams, Seminars, Dues, Subscriptions, etc.

The following outlines HHM’s policies regarding reimbursable expenses divided into the two categories discussed above. In all cases of reimbursable expenses, whether travel or education, the following policies apply:
  • All expense reimbursements are subject to pre-approval by a Member.
  • Please do not put large purchases on your expense report. The preferred method for larger expenses is by invoice, payable directly by HHM. Anything over $250 is generally defined as a large expense.
  • Detailed, line item itemized receipts are required for all expense reimbursements; credit card statements are not acceptable. Please remember – no itemized receipts, no reimbursement.
  • HHM will make every effort to distribute expense checks by the 10th and 25th of each month, expecting that the employee turn in reimbursable expenses timely by 10:00 AM on the 8th and the 23th of the month. When working out of the office or out of town, expense information should be reported by fax or email, if possible, and by telephone when necessary.
To help HHM better account for its expenses, we rely on you, the employee, to timely account for yours.

HHM reserves the right to deny any expense reimbursement request that does not adhere to the policies listed above.

Occasionally, you may find yourself making a reimbursable purchase that needs to be reimbursed before the above dates. In these cases, please submit your pre-approved request to the bookkeeping office and arrangements will be made.

HHM relies on the integrity of its employees to report any refunds/credits received after HHM has already reimbursed for the same expense. If this occurs, arrangements will be made for the employee to reimburseHHM. If such refunds/credits are not reported and it is believed to have been done with malicious intent, the occurrence will be addressed with the employee and disciplinary action will be taken.
Dues & Subscription Expenses
Registration Fees and Organizational Dues - Registration fees relating to your CPA certificate (i.e., TennesseeState Board of Accountancy and American Institute of CPAs) will be paid by HHM. Additionally, membership dues for the Tennessee Society of CPAs and other state societies and charges for attendance at dinner meetings of the local chapter will be paid by HHM. It is preferred that you submit your renewal form and/or invoices to the bookkeeping office so HHM can pay for these expenses directly. Due to the requirements for the renewal process, renewals of CPA licenses and PTINs are to be paid by the employee and turned in for reimbursement.

Membership dues for other professional and civic organizations may be considered a HHM expense. A Member should approve the particular expenditure as an HHM expense before reimbursement or payment is requested. HHM also will pay your Tennessee privilege tax provided you timely submit your form to the HHMBookkeeper. As a member of the Center for Audit Quality, it is required of our firm that all CPAs be members in good standing of the AICPA.
CPA Examination, Time Off & Materials Reimbursements
HHM encourages qualified candidates to obtain the CPA license, which involves passing the CPA examinations. HHM’s intent is not to pay for 100% of the employee’s CPA examination expenses, but to assist the employee with these costs as an added reward and benefit for passing the CPA exams while employed at HHM.

Reimbursement for expenses incurred in preparing for and taking the examinations is contingent upon the following:
  • Employee must complete and pass all four examinations before reimbursement of any related expenses;
  • Employee must provide documentation from NASBA showing employee’s completion and credit received for all examinations;
  • Employee must provide all receipts for approved expenses incurred in preparation for and cost of taking the exams, up to the maximum reimbursement being received (see below);
  • Approved expenses include, but are not limited to:
  • Application Fee
  • Examination Fee(s)
  • Study Materials (Becker, Bisk)
  • Other expenses not included must be preapproved
Employee will receive a maximum reimbursement of $875 per exam only for those parts taken and passed while employed at HHM. Since reimbursements are not taxable to you and bonuses are, you may choose the amount you receive based on your CPA exam expenses up to $3,500. For example, if you only have $2,000 in CPA exam expenses, you can elect to receive $2,000 as reimbursement and $1,500 as a bonus. Submit all reimbursements to Accounts Payable. Actual time required for taking exams, as well as time for travel to and from, is paid at employee's regular rate and is coded in Axcess as CPA Exam. Study time is not paid.
Travel Expenses
Employees will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with approved travel on behalf of HHM.

Travelers seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable travel expenses and exercise care to avoid the appearance of impropriety. If a circumstance arises that is not specifically covered in the travel policies, the most conservative course of action should be adopted; otherwise approval from a Member is required.

Travel for staff must be authorized in advance by a Member. Travelers should verify that planned travel is eligible for reimbursement before making travel arrangements. Upon completion of the trip, and within 30days, the traveler should submit a Travel Reimbursement Form and/or itemized receipts to obtain reimbursement of expenses. For more details, refer to the HHM intranet for detailed travel policies, procedures and authorization and reimbursement forms.

Exempt employees will be paid their regular salary for weeks in which they travel. Non-exempt employees will be paid for travel time in accordance with federal and state wage payment laws which state the only amounts of time that can be excluded from a non-exempt employee’s pay are meal periods and the time spent traveling between the employee’s home and the point of departure (i.e., airport).

Travel Expenses - Our policy is to pay the normal living expenses for out-of-town travel. We expect you to stay in a nice hotel; however, this does not necessarily mean the best hotel in town or the best room in the hotel. Air travel should be by coach class. We expect you to be economically responsible in your expenditures and show good management of HHM's resources while traveling.

Travel Mileage and Rate – The usual manner of computing travel mileage when out of the office is using the distance to the client’s place of business and returning to our office or to your residence, if it is closer. When commuting directly from your residence to the client’s place of business, mileage is computed as the net between your normal daily commute and the client’s place of business. If the distance from your residence and the client’s place of business is shorter than your commute to the office, you would not compute mileage.

The mileage rate will be the normal rate allowed for federal income tax purposes, or if mileage is less than $1.00, the minimum reimbursement is $1.00 per day.

Although the Internal Revenue Service requires documentation if the item equals or exceeds $75, we, as a routine matter, request that all expenditures be documented. Travel expenses relating to government contracts will be reimbursed based on government expense regulations.

Interoffice Travel - Contact Hannah Anderson to arrange room bookings for all offices to ensure that corporate rates are taken advantage of.

Corporate Discount Numbers
Hertz - 2269566
Enterprise - SMBS76Z
Education (CPE) Expenses
CPE Expenses Defined: CPE expenses may include, but are not limited to, course expenses, study materials, meals and traveling expenses such as mileage, lodging, and airfare. Most CPE expenses are considered an HHM expense and a long-term investment in the employee. Individual outside CPE expenses (CPE not offered by HHM or held at HHM) are often significantly more expensive thanCPE offered at HHM. Payment by HHM of such CPE expenses, whether by direct purchase or reimbursement to the employee, is predicated upon the employee’s continued employment at HHM for at least twelve (12) months after the date of the CPE course taken. Should the employee voluntarily terminate employment withHHM for any reason prior to twelve (12) months after the date of the purchased CPE Expenses, the employee shall immediately repay HHM a prorated amount of the CPE Expenses based on the following formula:

[(365 – days elapsed since CPE Course Date) / 365] x Total Expense(s) Amount = Repayment Due


If the employee attends on January 1 an out of state CPE Course with total expenses incurred being $1,000, and then that employee voluntarily terminates employment on March 31, they would be required to repayHHM as follows:

[(365 – 90 Days employed following course date) / 365] x $1,000 = $753.42In the event the employee is required to repay HHM:

a) The employee expressly authorizes HHM to deduct the fullest amount allowable by law from all remaining payroll and other checks to which the employee is entitled.

b) If the amount deducted is not sufficient to fully repay the dues/training/educational expense, the employee shall pay HHM any remaining unpaid balance no later than his/her last date of employment.

c) In the event the employee fails to make payment in accordance with (a) and/or (b) referenced above, the employee expressly agrees that HHM shall be entitled to take whatever legal action is necessary to recover the unpaid amount. In addition, if it is necessary for HHM to engage counsel and/or file a lawsuit to recover any unpaid part of the payment, the employee further agrees that HHM shall be entitled to recover all damages, losses, liabilities, expenses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees.
Expense Reporting Guidelines
How to categorize your expenses in VPM.
VPM Categories:
  • Client Billable - Expenses incurred that are billable to the client
  • CPE - Expenses related to CPE courses taken
  • Marketing - Expenses related to marketing/networking/prospective clients
  • Recruiting - Expenses related to recruitment of staff
  • Other - Other administrative expenses not related to the above categories
VPM Subcategories:
  • Travel - Cab fare, airfare, rental car, etc.
  • Lodging - Hotel
  • Mileage - Enter the miles, in units traveled; employee will be reimbursed at the IRS regulated mileage rate. This is subject to change. For anything over 50 miles, please provide a MapQuest printout (or something similar) verifying the distance traveled or have a Member approve.
  • Meals - Please use discretion with any meal purchases. HHM will not reimburse for alcoholic beverages or for what might be considered “lavish” dining ventures (HHM reserves the right to define“lavish”). HHM asks that its employees use modesty. Anything deemed “questionable” must be approved by a Member. You are required to provide itemized meal receipts with your reimbursement request.
  • Misc. Expense: If your expense does not fall under one of the above expense categories, put to “Misc. Expense” and provide an adequate description of the expense and its purpose along with any receipts.
  • Telephone/Internet: HHM will not reimburse you for general cell phone expenses. This expense is considered a day-to-day item that everyone should have. Telephone charges may be reimbursed at the discretion of an approving Team Member in the event international charges are incurred for work related calls. HHM will reimburse for internet expenses incurred when traveling, such as daily use of hotel Wi-Fi when necessary, for the intent of professional/work use.
It is important that you code your expenses correctly in VPM. For a list of the current expense codes, please see the Billing Department.
leave of absence

HHM employees will be afforded all rights required by law.

Family & Medical Leave Act
Employees with questions about what illnesses are covered under FMLA policy or under HHM's sick leave policy are encouraged to consult with a human resources representative.

Further details about FMLA can be obtained from a human resources representative or the FMLA document located under HR downloads.
Military Leave of Absence
HHM is committed to protecting the job rights of employees absent on military leave. In accordance withFederal and State law, it is HHM’s policy that no employee or prospective employee will be subjected to any form of discrimination on the basis of that person's membership in or obligation to perform service for any of the Uniformed Services of the United States. Specifically, no person will be denied employment, re-employment, promotion or other benefit of employment on the basis of such membership. Furthermore, no person will be subjected to retaliation or adverse employment action because such person has exercised his or her rights under applicable law or HHM policy.

Employees taking part in a variety of military duties are eligible for benefits under this policy. Such military duties include leaves of absence taken by members of the uniformed services, including Reservists andNational Guard members, for training, periods of active military service and funeral honors duty, as well as time spent being examined to determine fitness to perform such service. Subject to certain exceptions under the applicable laws, these benefits are generally limited to five years of leave of absence.

If you have Reserve or National Guard status and are obligated to spend two weeks in summer training, we arrange for you to take this time off as a leave of absence. It is not counted as part of your regular vacation. The pay you receive from your military service for this time will be your compensation unless you choose to take vacation during this period also.

Employees requesting leave for military duty should contact their Team Captain to request leave as soon as they are aware of the need for leave. For request forms and detailed information on eligibility, employee rights while on leave and job restoration upon completion of leave, refer to the policies, procedures and forms on the HHM Intranet site.
Parental Leave
Eligible full-time employees, and part-time employees regularly scheduled to work at least thirty(30) hours per week, including eligible employees who take childbirth recovery leave, are entitled to one (1) week of paid parental leave at 100% of the employee’s base pay to bond with a newborn or newly adopted child. To be eligible for paid parental leave, an employee must have been employed by HHM for at least three (3) years on the date of such birth or adoption.
Personal Leave of Absence
Employees who require time off in addition to vacation or sick time may request a personal leave of absence without pay. Every effort will be made to accommodate maternity/parental leave above and beyond FMLA and state laws and will be considered on an individual basis. Please see your team captain.

Each employee has the option to enroll, at his/her expense, in a short-term disability group plan, and HHM will pay the employee’s base salary to cover the plan’s elimination period (one week) should short term disability occur, provided the disability meets FMLA qualifying event criteria. Pay will be based on the following tier:

1-3 years employment – 50% of base salary
+3 years employment – 100% of base salary
Less than one year employment – no benefit

HHM will also make every effort to accommodate flexible work schedules for returning employees should the need arise, including part time, job sharing, etc. Please discuss with your team captain alternative work schedules and how HHM can be part of your support system.
Childbirth Recovery Leave
Eligible full-time employees, and part-time employees regularly scheduled to work a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, are entitled to paid childbirth recovery leave for physical recovery immediately following the birth of a child. To be eligible for paid childbirth recovery leave, an employee giving birth must have been employed by HHM for one (1) year when the childbirth recovery leave begins. The amount of paid childbirth recovery leave available for eligible employees will be determined as follows:
Percentage of Base Pay
More than 1 year - 3 years
50% for 1 week
40% for 2 weeks
More than 3 years
100% for 1 week
40% for 5 weeks
Additional Information
  • For salaried employees, base pay shall mean the employee’s regular rate of pay. For hourly employees or employees with special pay arrangements, base pay shall mean the employee’s average pay over the previous twelve (12) months, excluding overtime pay.
  • An employee should provide his or her team leader and the HR Director with notice of the request for childbirth recovery leave or parental leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed date of the leave, where practicable.
  • Parental leave must be taken within the first six (6) months after the birth or adoption of a child.
  • Childbirth recovery leave and parental leave run concurrently with FMLA leave to the extent consistent with applicable law.
  • Childbirth recovery leave and parental leave may not be taken intermittently, and each must be taken in a continuous block of time.
  • Accrued vacation or paid time off may be used concurrently with childbirth recovery leave or parental leave; provided, however such vacation and paid time off shall not result in an employee receiving more than employee’s base pay during any pay period when combined with other leave and any applicable short-term disability benefits.
  • Multiple births or adoptions (e.g., the birth of twins or adoption of siblings) does not increase the total amount of childbirth recovery leave or parental leave for such event.
  • The adoption of a spouse’s child is excluded from parental leave.
  • Employees will not be eligible for both childbirth recovery leave benefits and benefits described under Personal Leave of Absence in HHM’s Employee Handbook.
  • If a paid firm holiday occurs while the employee is on childbirth recovery leave or parental leave, such holiday will extend the total paid childbirth recovery leave or parental leave entitlement by the number of days of such paid firm holiday.
  • Upon termination of employment, an employee will not be paid for any unused childbirth recovery leave or parental leave for which he or she was eligible.
  • In the event an employee voluntarily terminates his or her employment within one (1)year of completing childbirth recovery leave and/or parental leave, the employee will be required to reimburse HHM for all childbirth recovery leave and/or parental leave paid to the employee. To be eligible for childbirth recovery leave and/or parental leave, the employee must sign documentation provided by HHM allowing HHM to withhold any such reimbursement amounts from employee’s paycheck.
fringe benefits

HHM currently offers full and part-time employees, regularly scheduled to work a minimum of 30 hours per week, enrollment in medical and dental insurance coverage options the first day of the month after they have been employed for 30 days.

Medical & Dental
Eligibility & Enrollment - HHM provides each employee an amount designated by HHM annually, to be applied towards the medical insurance plan currently offered by HHM. HHM pays the cost of the employee’s dental insurance for those full-time employees (regularly scheduled 30 or more hours per week).

If family coverage is elected for medical and/or dental insurance, that portion of the premium for which the employee is responsible will be deducted from the salary of the employee.

Waiting Periods - The medical and dental insurance is effective the first day of the month following thirty (30)calendar days after continuous full time employment. The dental insurance is effective the first of the month following thirty (30) days after continuous full time employment. Both these waiting periods may change from time to time as insurance policies and carriers change, and you should always consult your current benefits booklet.

Employees have up to 30 days from their date of hire or qualifying event to make medical and dental plan elections. Once made, elections are fixed for the remainder of the plan year. Changes in family status, as defined in the plan document, allow employees to make midyear changes in coverage consistent with the family status change. Please contact a human resources representative or payroll department to determine if a family status change is considered a qualifying event under the plan document and IRS regulations.

At the end of each calendar year during open enrollment, employees may change medical and dental elections for the following calendar year. Open enrollment period will be announced each November and any changes made will go into effect January 1. Those employees not wishing to enroll must select the “Opt OutReimbursement” option. A representative is available to answer benefits plan questions and assist in enrollment as needed.
Group Life Insurance
HHM offers regular, full-time employees, who have been employed by HHM for 30 days an employer-paid basic group term life policy along with an accidental death and dismemberment policy. See your Guardian benefits summary for information.
Long-term Disability Benefits
Eligibility & Enrollment - HHM pays the full premiums of the employee as part of the group life and long-term disability insurance provided. The plan covers full-time employees (regularly scheduled 30 or more hours per week).

Waiting Periods - The long-term disability insurance is effective the first day of the month following thirty (30)calendar days after continuous full time employment. These waiting periods may change from time to time as insurance policies and carriers change, and you should always consult your current benefits booklet.
Worker's Compensation
HHM is covered under statutory State Workers' Compensation Laws. Employees who sustain work-related injuries must immediately notify their Team Captain.
HHM does not provide vision coverage to the employees. The employees do, however, have the option to enroll in a group plan, at his/her own expense. The premiums will be deducted pre-tax through payroll.
Rules of Conduct/Progressive Discipline
The purpose of this policy is to state our position on administering equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace. The best disciplinary measure is one that does not have to been forced and comes from good leadership and fair supervision at all employment levels. HHM’s best interests lie in ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future.

While we will endeavor to use the progressive discipline system, there are certain types of employee problems that are serious enough to justify termination of employment without going through the progressive discipline steps described above. The type of disciplinary action taken for any rule violation is in the sole discretion of management and may depend on the nature and circumstances of the infraction and the employee’s prior record and length of service.

By using progressive discipline, we hope that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and HHM.
Short-term Disability Benefits
HHM does not provide short term disability coverage to its employees. Each employee does, however, have the option to enroll in a group plan, at his/her own expense. The premiums will be deducted through payroll and, if eligible, the employee will receive an immediate tax benefit for those premiums that are tax deductible.
401(k) Plan
The Firm has adopted a deferred compensation Retirement Plan. To be eligible to participate in the 401(k)Plan for purposes of salary deferrals and rollovers you must be 21. You will be eligible to participate in the Firm's discretionary matching contributions when you have completed one year of service. You will be credited with a year of service at the end of the twelve month period beginning on your date of hire if you have been credited with at least 1,000 hours of service during such period. Plan entry dates are quarterly for salary deferrals, rollovers and match. Contributions by the Firm to the Plan, if any, are determined on an annual basis by the members and are subject to a 3-year cliff vesting schedule. Interns have been excluded from participation in the Plan. The current Summary Plan Description (SPD), posted on the intranet, should be consulted for additional Plan information. In case of discrepancies, the SPD will prevail. You should contact the Plan Administrator if you have questions about the Plan or the timing of your participation.
employee information
Personnel Files
HHM maintains employees’ core employment records in individual personnel files. The Payroll Department, human resources, and the Managing Member are the only employees that have access to personnel files. Otherwise, personnel files are kept confidential, unless disclosure is required by law or permission is granted by an employee.

Employees have the right to examine the contents of their personnel files. Examination requests should be directed to the Payroll Department and will be granted within a timely manner and in accordance with the law. An HR or Payroll Representative will be available to answer employee questions during a personnel file examination. Employees can also request copies of the documents contained in their personnel files at any time.

If an employee believes there is an error in his or her personnel file, then the employee may submit a written notice of contest to the file. Employees are prohibited from removing or altering existing portions of their personnel files.
Personal Information & Verification
HHM will not divulge current employees’ personal information to any individual or entity outside of HHM, except as part of a government investigation, as required by law, or upon reasonable belief that an employee is engaged in illegal activities.

Employment and salary verification information may be requested as part of a lease or a loan application, and will be released to third parties only after HHM receives permission from the employee.Verification requests should be directed to the Payroll Department.

After an employee leaves HHM, no personal information about him or her will be released to any individual or entity outside HHM, except as required by law or in response to a verification request by a prospective employer or financial institution.
it systems use

The Organization will allow the use of specific software applications on equipment which it owns. Only applications needed for organization duties and tasks will be installed on its computers. This policy applies to all HHM employees at all levels.

The Organization reserves the right to allow certain exceptions to the applications outlined herein. These exceptions will be made for business purposes at the discretion of HHM and the Managing Member.

Expectations of Privacy
  • Employees should have no expectation of privacy in their e-mail or in their internet use, including any personal e-mail or internet accounts accessed through HHM provided internet access.
  • All HHM-supplied technology and HHM-related work records belong to HHM and not to the employee. HHM routinely monitors use of HHM-supplied technology. Inappropriate or illegal use or communications may be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination of employment.
  • Internal and external e-mails are considered business records and may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation. Be aware of this possibility when sending e-mail within and outside HHM.
  • HHM or its authorized representatives may monitor computer files, internet usage and e-mail messages that an employee sends or receives at all times throughout employment, including upon termination.
  • HHM has access to and may override individual passwords to maintain its business interests.
  • Computers must be locked when not in use or unoccupied to protect and maintain confidentiality.
Social Media
Employees may not post financial, confidential, sensitive or proprietary information about HHM, clients, employees or applicants.

Employees may not post obscenities, slurs or personal attacks that can damage the reputation of HHM, clients, employees or applicants.

HHM may monitor an employee’s content on the Internet. Policy violations may result in discipline up to, and including, termination of employment.

Further details about the IT Policy can be obtained from the IT Department and the IT Policies and Procedures document located on the Intranet.
work & employee safety
Drugs & Alcohol
HHM is a drug free workplace. All employees must successfully complete a post-offer drug test and consent to future drug and alcohol testing as deemed necessary by HHM. Circumstances warranting drug testing may include the following: reasonable suspicion; post injury; post-accident; customer mandated; and random.

Drug and/or alcohol testing under HHM policy is not optional and is required as a condition of continued employment (except where prohibited by state law). Failure to submit to screenings or tests, or failure to comply with any screening or test procedures will be treated as having tested positive and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Any employee who tests positive for drug screening will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

An employee who reports to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who becomes unfit to work during working hours after taking alcohol or drugs, who is engaged in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance on HHM property, including the parking lots, or on HHM time, will be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination.
Dress Code
General Policy Statement:
HHM, PLLC (HHM) employees have the responsibility to maintain a professional image. Our clients and fellow coworkers expect HHM employees to be professional in our dress.

While working both in and out of the office, employees should maintain professional standards. When working away from the office, employees should be aware of the client’s dress policies and dress accordingly. Always be mindful of the image we want to maintain as professionals in the eyes of our client.

The key point to sustaining an appropriate casual business attire program is the use of common sense, good judgment, and applying a dress practice that the Company deems conducive to our business environment. If you question the appropriateness of the attire, it probably isn’t appropriate.

General Guidelines:
At all times, employees should be neat, clean, and professional in appearance. Hairstyles, fingernails, shoes, etc. should be neat and professional in appearance. Mustaches, beards, and sideburns should be well trimmed and all tattoos should be covered.

All garments worn should be of a professional nature. They should be neat, clean, and wrinkle-free, and should fit appropriately. Clothing that is too short, too loose, too tight, or too revealing is unprofessional. Male employees must wear properly fitted business dress shirts (with ties preferred). Female employees are expected to wear clothing of a formal business atmosphere, including suits, pantsuits, dresses, slacks/sweaters or a skirt.

In general, business dress is applicable Monday-Thursday; Fridays will be “casual days”. On Friday, professional attire guidelines must still be adhered to, however, men are not required to wear ties and/or jackets and women may choose not to wear a jacket or blazer. All other dress requirements apply.

What follows are examples of unacceptable attire (this is not meant to be an all-inclusive list) during the normal business hours:
  • Plain or pocket T-shirts
  • Cutoffs
  • T-shirts with logos
  • Athletic wear
  • Jeans
  • Spandex or Lycra such as biker shorts
  • Tank tops, tube tops, halter tops with spaghetti straps
  • Midriff length tops
  • Provocative attire
  • Off-the-shoulder tops
  • Workout clothes or shoes
Employees are expected to have good personal dress and/or grooming habits. The little things, such as the un-shined shoes, the spotted tie, or the wrinkled shirt, often detract from an otherwise acceptable appearance and may affect the client's perception of the type of professional work the person does. We suggest you exercise good judgment in your dress. When in doubt, be conservative. It is a trait of our profession. Even on casual days, dress casual should be the proper attire - no shorts, sweat suits, flip flops, or pajamas.
Dress Code Violations
Violations of the policy can range from inappropriate clothing items to offensive colognes. If an employee comes to work inappropriately dressed, he/she may be asked to leave work to change into conforming attire.

Let’s all work together to make the flexibility of DFYD a positive experience. If you have any questions on the above information, please discuss with Beverly Edge or your Team Captain. The following are examples intended to set a standard and eliminate ambiguity:

Please note, these are examples and not an exhaustive list, when in doubt, please consult your Team Captain.
  • Suites, pant suits
  • Dress slacks, khakis
  • Dresses/skirts - length at which one can sit comfortably in public
  • Sweatpants/exercise apparel
  • Shorts
  • Riped pants of any kind
  • Jeans of any kind (except on weekends or for special events
  • Polo collar knit or golf shirts
  • HHM Logo shirts
  • Button down shirts
  • Blouses or shirts
  • Blazers or sports coats
  • Jackets
  • Shirts with offensive writing or large logos
  • T-shirts or sweatshirts (expect for special events)
  • Beachwear, tank tops
  • Exercise apparel
  • Crop tops, clothing showing midriffs
  • Underwear as outerwear
  • Loafers or tie shoes
  • Heels/pumps/flats/dress boots
  • Dress sandals with heel strap
  • Casual, low heel, open back shoes
  • Flip flops, floppy sandals
  • Athletic shoes or tennis shoes (expect for special events
  • Construction/hunting boots
  • Slippers
Wellness Program
The HHM Wellness Program is designed to promote the health and wellness of HHM employees by partially reimbursing the employee for expenses associated with approved health/physical fitness club memberships and/or regularly scheduled fitness classes. It is meant to reimburse HHM employees for expenses related to the employee’s activity only.

HHM will reimburse 1⁄2 of monthly dues for health club memberships and/or regularly scheduled fitness classes, up to a maximum of $360 per year ($30 per month).

Employees are eligible to enroll the first day of the month following thirty (30) calendar days after continuous full time employment (work an average of 30 or more hours per week). Verification of health club membership will be required annually.

As a condition of participating in the plan, HHM employee agrees to:
  • Fill out and sign the HHM Health Club Reimbursement Agreement Form.
  • Provide proof of membership and dues and submit to the Payroll Department with this document upon signing up for the plan.
  • Verify membership fees annually upon request.
  • Reimburse HHM immediately by payroll deduction on the next paycheck for any months in which the employee received the reimbursement but was not a member of a health club.
Smoking & Vaping
It is the policy of HHM to prohibit smoking on all HHM premises in order to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. The law defines smoking as the "act of lighting, smoking or carrying a lighted or smoldering cigar, cigarette or pipe of any kind". The smoke-free workplace policy applies to:
  • All areas of HHM buildings
  • All HHM-sponsored off-site conferences and meetings
  • All visitors (customers and vendors) to the HHM premises
  • All contractors and consultants and/or their employees working on the HHM premises
  • All employees, temporary employees, and student interns
Smoking is permitted in parking lots only.

Employees who violate the smoking policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, immediate discharge.
Dress For your Day
The HHM Dress for your Day (DFYD) guidelines allow employees the discretion to select dress that is appropriate for the business of their individual workday. DFYD applies to all business activity, whether you are onsite, at a client’s office, or attending a training conference.

While DFYD is intended to be relaxed when employees have a workday that does not involve meetings with clients, professional referral sources, or the like, the expectation is that employees will nevertheless wear clothing appropriate for the nature of our business and type of work performed.Should an unexpected client meeting arise, it is expected that employees would keep an alternative set of clothing and/or accessories in their office for those circumstances.

The DFYD policy is designed to help us all provide a consistent professional appearance to our clients and colleagues. Our appearance reflects upon ourselves and the firm. The goal is to be sure that we maintain a positive appearance and do not offend clients or colleagues. DFYD clothing and appearance (including hair & fragrance) must:
  • Always present a professional appearance
  • Be well-groomed and wear clean clothing, free of holes, tears, or other signs of wear
  • Not be too revealing
  • Be consistent with the working environment or local customs
Other DFYD pointers:
  • When participating in a client meeting, it is recommended to err on the side of overdress
  • Clothing and grooming styles dictated by religion or ethnicity are exempt
Any employee who is breastfeeding her child will be provided reasonable break times, as needed, to express breast milk for her baby. For privacy, HHM has a designated room in the Freight Depot expressly for our lactating/breastfeeding mothers.
Marketing Incentive Program
The purpose of the HHM Marketing Incentive Program is to encourage employees to participate in marketing activities as a means of developing marketing and sales skills. HHM strives to be an active part of the community and this is only possible through the help of the HHM team. Being part of the community means that our name always has top of mind awareness. This is done through being active in various marketing and community activities year round. As an added benefit, the more often you use your marketing and sales skills, the sharper and more effective they become.

The marketing program begins on Sept. 1st of each year and points are tallied per quarter (Sept – Nov; Dec –Feb; March – May; June – Aug). Each employee is responsible for tracking and sending their marketing points weekly to the Community Relations Director.

Points are earned through a variety of activities. Some are outlined in the marketing booklet on the Intranet; some points are assigned as they come about depending on the time commitment required, etc.

Point goals are determined by level of staff. For example, administrative personnel have a goal of 12 points per quarter while Members must earn 40 points.

Marketing points will be calculated quarterly. At the end of each quarter, those who have made their points goal will receive a $100 gift card (place/store varies). At the end of the year (August 31), employees who have been with HHM for a minimum of one year and were successful in meeting his or her point goal each quarter will be rewarded with a weekend trip to include a spouse/guest. Three destinations within four hours’ drive or less are designated and successful marketers are given the opportunity to choose from the three options.

Further details about the Program can be obtained from the marketing program section located on Connect.
ending the employment relationship

Separation of employment within an organization can occur for several different reasons.

Although we hope your employment with us will be a mutually rewarding experience, we understand that varying circumstances cause employees to voluntarily resign employment.Resigning employees are encouraged to provide a minimum two weeks’ notice, preferably in writing, to facilitate a smooth transition out of the Organization. If an employee provides less notice than requested, the employer may deem the individual to be ineligible for rehire depending on the circumstances regarding the notice given.
Job abandonment
Employees who fail to report to work or contact their Team Captain/Member for three (3) consecutive workdays shall be considered to have abandoned the job without notice, effective at the end of their normal shift on the third day. The Team Captain/Member shall notify thePayroll Department at the expiration of the third workday and initiate the paperwork to terminate the employee. Employees who are separated due to job abandonment are ineligible to receive accrued benefits and are ineligible for rehire.
Return of HHM Property
The separating employee must return all HHM property at the time of separation, including keys, computers, client files, and parking cards. Failure to return some items may result in deductions from the final paycheck.

An exit interview will be on the employee’s last day of work or another day, as mutually agreed on.

Health insurance terminates the last day of the month of employment. Information for Consolidated OmnibusBudget Reconciliation (COBRA) continued health coverage will be provided. Employees will be required to pay their share of the dependent health and dental premiums through the end of the month.
Employees who wish to retire are required to notify the Managing Member in writing at least one (1) month before the planned retirement date.
Employees of HHM are employed on an at-will basis, and HHM retains the right to terminate an employee at any time.